Friday, July 29, 2011

He's On Our Side

I find it interesting when old, obscure songs just pop into my head. This happened today. I was reminded of a spunky little rocker from the 80s named Fiona. I played her on my college radio station, and she received mild airplay on some other stations. I would put a sample here, except she is so obsure that I could not even find her on YouTube.

Anyway, she had a song called "He's On My Side". It may or may not have been intended as a Christian song. Regardless, I was reminded of it today by a Bible verse I read today in Psalms 84:11...the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from he whose walk is upright. This verse tells me that He is on our side. It tells us that, as long we are walking with Him and being obedient (even doing our best to be obedient because none of us are completely obedient) we have His blessing.

Remember this when you pray, and as you go about your day. I know that when I consciously focus on His presence, and know that I have His favor, I feel a strong confidence which affects my life in all areas. My relationships are better. I perform better at my job. I am at peace with myself. I feel stronger and healthier. The list can go on. The same is true for anyone else. Keep in mind today that God is on you side and wants to bless you today. Then live in that confidence and peace. Enjoy the blessings : )

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