Thursday, July 21, 2011

He's Already Working On It

I read an excellent article from Guideposts magazine today. It described a woman who was having severe financial difficulties. In fact, she could not even wash her kids' clothes because she ran out of laundry detergent, and had to wait several days before she would be able to buy more.

What did she do? The only thing she could think of was to pray. As she was praying, she heard a noise at the door. It startled her, so she went to check on it. It was just the mail carrier bringing the mail. Or was it? As she retrieved the mail, she saw that she had received, at random, a free sample of a new laundry detergent. It was just enough to do the laundry she had that day.

Even though she randomly received the free detergent, I will say with certainty that it was not a random act. The Bible verse the story provided was Isaiah 65:24. It says, Before they call, I will answer. While they are still speaking I will hear.

This detergent was on the way, well before this woman said this prayer. In fact, it arrived as she was praying. This tells me that God knows are desires before we even know them. He wants to answer our prayers, and is immediately at work in doing so. Let us take this confidence with us today. Whatever you are praying for today, know that God has it under control and is already at work in answering it. Enjoy the blessings!

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