Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tale of the Tie

Here's a first. My daughter, of all people, asked me to help her tie a tie. It should have been no problem. After all, I've been tying my own tie for almost 20 years. Yet I couldn't do it.

How could something like this be so automatic, yet impossible to teach? I am reading more and more about the battle of our conscious mind and our subconscious. There are many differences, but for now I'll provide the crash course version. The conscious mind is what we are thinking about, the front of our mind per se. The subconscious is the automatic part. After a thought or action is drilled into our conscious mind over a period of time, it eventually becomes part of our subconscious. We then act accordingly.

When I first learned to tie a tie, it was a conscious effort. I had to think a lot about the correct steps. It took a while, and it was difficult. However, after doing it over a long period of time, the process became subconscious. I didn't even have to think about it. It just became second nature, and I was able to accomplish the task with ease. So why so much difficulty in teaching this to my daughter? It is because I had to do it consciously. It wasn't automatic as I tried to take it step by step. Once again, it became a difficult process like it was in the beginning.

What's my point? I am finding that it is much easier to live our desired lives subconsciously. Does that mean we don't rely on our conscious mind? Absolutely not. We need to think things out. We can also use it to help our subconscious. Here is a great key to making any ncessary changes in your life: Use your conscious mind to see yourself succeeding and accomplishing the goal you desire. Then take whatever action you believe is necessary. Just like the tie, it may seem unnatural and difficult at first. However, if you continue to take steps and move forward, it eventually becomes automatic, and your normal way of life. Before you know it, the goal is reached.

If you think this is too simple, I don't blame you. I thought this at first too. However, it didn't take me long to realize its truth. In the past few months, this has helped my self-confidence sky-rocket. That in turn has affected other areas of my life in a positive way. In my next post, I will provide specific examples of how it has helped me and can help you too.

Have an excellent day : )

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