Saturday, April 2, 2011

Positive Guide to the Perfect Saturday

Happy Saturday! It's easily my favorite day of the week. Here's how I'll be keeping a positive frame of mind:

1. Enjoying the sports. - There are plenty to watch. I'll enjoy some tennis, baseball, and of course the Final Four games.

2. Spend time with my wonderful family. Based on the weather it will be indoors though. Regardless, the time will be great and I am truly blessed to have the family I do.

3. Positive reflection. - During the down times I will be sure to flood my mind with positive thoughts. Gratitude for all I have; scenes of success to come and goals being accomplished; positive impacts being made.

That's just a snapshot. God has given us this day, and I am thankful. How will you enjoy this beautiful day? Please share.

Enjoy : )

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