Friday, April 8, 2011

Believe First

Why is it that I continue to read some great Bible verses and fail to live them out fully? Do you too feel that way? I am done trying to answer that question. It's time to just do it!

One of these verses is from Matthew 21:22. It says..if you believe you will receive anything you ask for in prayer. How much clearer can that be? It's a verse I often meditate on, and one of my favorites in the entire Bible.

So what's the best way to follow this? One simple word...Believe!!! But how? What helps me is to focus on the desired result. See it happening and imagine life as you would want it. Then feel the positive emotions and live it out as if it is actually happening.

You may think this is easier said than done. At first yes, but the more you practice it the easier it becomes. It's simply a matter of focus. The times I lack faith are the times I am not focusing my mind correctly. I am focused on worry instead of wonderful promises like these.

Ultimately, if you want to receive you must first believe. Then, as is promised, you will receive anything you believe is possible. It's a promise from a God who keeps ALL of His promises. Live this verse in faith and miracles will happen. Please share when they do.

Have an excellent day : )

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