Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anytime, Anywhere

I don't have many complaints in life these days except one. Lately, my prayer life is not as good as I would like it to be. I am still close to God and definitely see and feel His presence in my life. However, I don't feel like I'm living up to my end of the prayer bargain. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that time disappears quickly, and I am not prioritizing that time correctly. Does anyone else ever feel that way?

I was reminded this morning that it doesn't have to be that way. Even if I am busy and time does fly by quickly, there are times where I can take that time to pray and reflect. For example, what do we think of when we shower, shave, put make-up on, etc? Do we actually think of how clean or perfectly "made up" we are making ourselves? For me, I either think of nothing, or actually let some worrisome or stressful thoughts enter my head during those times.

Instead, why not take these times to pray? Or, to load our heads with positive encouraging thoughts? Or, just make ourselves completely aware of the Presence that is always with us and looking out for our good? The bottom line is that we don't have to be in the perfect prayer and reflection spot every time. God appreciates any communication no matter where we are and when it is. I prayed and reflected as I showered and shaved this morning, and it has postively affected my whole outlook on the day.

This is nothing new for me. For a while now I have been aware that we should take as much time (especially down time) to reflect on positive thoughts and our protective Presence. It is just a matter of making the conscious effort to do it.

That's the challenge I leave today. Anytime we have the opportunity, let's take it to pray and positively reflect on the beautiful loving Spirit that is around us and in us. If you're like me you'll always end up in the longest line at the supermarket. So why not take that time to reflect. A long line of commercials during the tv show? Take a couple of minutes to do the same. Stuck in traffic? You know the drill. Prayer and positive reflection will easily turn that frown upside down. Please be sure to share your results.

Have an excellent day : )

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