Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Rough is Only Mental

I am stealing this quote from author/pastor Norman Vincent Peale and his book, "The Power of Positive Thinking". I was reminded of it today and felt the need to share.

What does it mean? It is taken from the story of a golfer. When he was on the fairway (the short grass) he had no problem hitting the ball well. However, when he was off the fairway (golfers call this the rough) he had severe difficulty hitting the ball well. However, his partner had no difficulty with this and hit the ball just as well from the rough than from the fairway. Why? He said it was all mental. He believed he could hit the ball just as well from the rough. He just had to make some slight adjustments.

It can be the same in every situation for us. Things are only as difficult as we decide they are. Obstacles are only as big as we think they are. The key? Focus on the successful completion of the task or goal. Sometimes it will be as easy to get there as a shot in the middle of the fairway. Other times we will be presented with obstacles or greater challenges. Either way, if we seek the ideal result and see the obstacles as learning and growing opportunities, we will reach our goals and ideal life much sooner. Before long we will dismiss the obstacles completely and life will be a hole in one!

Enjoy : )

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