Sunday, April 10, 2011

Positive Report

If you are a Bible reader, do you have any particular love-hate verses? For me there are some. I love them because they are very powerful. I hate them because they sometimes strike me right between the eyes. Can you relate?

One of these verses is found in Numbers 13. Moses and the people of Israel are ready to enter the Promised Land. He sends 12 men to scout the land and bring back a report. 10 of the 12 see giant people and obstacles that they believe they cannot overcome, and they discourage the people from moving forward. Two of them report that, with God's help, they can overcome these obstacles and enter the Promised Land.

Unfortunately, majority rules. As a result, the people are punished for their lack of faith. Instead of taking another few days to get to the Promised Land, it takes another few years. 40 to be exact.

For me, here's the reason for the love-hate. The verse is extremely powerful. These people are delayed their gift by 40 years because of lack of faith. On the other side, the two are right. Anything is possible if we believe. I hate this verse because it makes me think of how many times I have acted as the 10. All I see is the potential obstacle and the giants in the way. I don't take necessary action because of it, and potential blessings are delayed or missed altogether as a result.

How can we change this? Simply take the attitude of the two. KNOW that God is with us always. KNOW that victory is guaranteed as a result. By having this faith, we will enter our Promised Land much sooner than later. Keep the ultimate, ideal goal in the front of your mind. Do your part and let God do His. Since I have been doing this more, I have seen greater results. It then makes we want to continue this course. It is true for anyone.

Can you see your Promised Land now? Great! Go for it, knowing that any giants and obstacles cannot get in the way as long as you don't let them. I hope to hear of your success sooner than later.

Have an excellent day : )

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