Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Write it Down

Are you looking for a quick way to accomplish your goals? If you are like most people, including myself, you want these goals accomplished yesterday.

I watched a video the other day where the speaker's main point was simple and powerful. Her name is Natalie Ledwell. She said that if you want to be successful in life, you need to know exactly what you want. This is nothing new for me as I have seen and read about this information in plenty of sources. It's common sense. If one doesn't have a direction to go, it will be very easy to get lost and not accomplish much of anything. The main advice I've heard consistently is....Write It Down!

At first I wondered if it really made a difference. I took the time to think about exactly what I wanted and thought that was enough. However, as things weren't happening as quickly as I wished, I decided to take this advice to heart. After only a few days, I will say it makes a huge difference. Seeing it in writing just seems to make it so much more real.

The information suggests to take the main areas of our lives, such as self, spirituality, health, finances, family, relationships, and career and take the following step:

1. Write down goals and intentions for each of these areas. I wrote three for each. For example...I intend to appreciate and encourage each of my family members every day; I intend to exercise at least 15 minutes a day; I intend to earn $x per month.

2. Review the list EVERY DAY. Talk about making it real. By doing this, the goals stay fresh, and are kept in the front of the mind, not pushed to the back.

3. See yourself succeeding. Picture yourself accomplishing the goals and living life as you want it. Have faith that the intentions will become reality. It's funny how success in the mind soon turns out to be success in the real world.

I must say that I feel a surge of confidence since following these steps. I am constantly aware of these goals, and find myself more confident in my ability to accomplish them. I feel like I am doing my part and allowing God to do His. Success can be the only answer for that formula.

I stongly recommend taking the time to write down your goals. Some just list ideas, some write them out in paragraph form. Either way, it is a powerful exercise that will move you towards the success you desire. As always, I would love to hear your success story.

Have an excellent day : )

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