Friday, February 5, 2010

Prayer from the Heart

During this week I have been writing about different types of prayer. I believe each are great models for us to use, and each adds a special dimension to our prayer lives.

I will end this discussion with another aspect of prayer. That is, simply prayer from the depths of our heart. I have noticed that, when I pray my most heartfelt prayers, it is then where I receive God's most heartfelt answers. I really believe God appreciates when we pour ourselves out to Him in prayer. There are countless examples of this in the Bible, and each time we see a great response.

It is my experience that spending even just a few minutes a day praying one or more of the prayers I've shared this week, God's power will be experienced in our lives. I've seen it too many times in my own life to know it's not a fluke. It is my prayer that these messages have helped anyone reading these blogs. Please share any great stories you may have.

Have an excellent day : )

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