Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Savor the Flavor

Have you ever wondered why, in general, Europeans are healthier and thinner than Americans? They eat fatty foods like cheese, starchy foods like noodles, pasta, and potatoes, and plenty of high calorie desserts. So what's the difference?

The information in the article I read named some reasons, such as more walking and exercise to smaller portions. However, the one that stood out was the fact that they eat their meals slowly. They take the time to enjoy the flavor and quality of each bite of the food, drink, and company. It is a fact that if you eat too fast you are more likely to remain hungry, thus more likely to eat more. The slower one eats, the more satisfied they feel, thus not craving more. As I teach this concept to my kids, the words "savor the flavor" remain the theme at our dinner table.

As I think about this further, I realize how this idea can apply to entire lives. Why not "savor the flavor" of each moment in our lives. Even when things aren't extra exciting, I believe life can be much more rewarding when we slow down and take the time to see the positive in it. Taking the time to be grateful. Taking the time to see God's beauty in everything. It doesn't take much effort.

When we savor the flavor during meal times, we enjoy it more and we are remain more healthy. I believe the same is true if we savor the flavor of life. We enjoy it more and ultimately feel more refreshed, energetic, and positive. Life moves quickly enough already. Why not slow down, even if only a short time each day, and savor the flavor of life. Just some food for thought for your day. Please enjoy each moment today : )

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