Sunday, March 21, 2010

Being a Good Receiver

Most people would be honored to be labeled as a giver. There are many people I know that I would consider to be excellent givers. It seems to be their automatic nature. Some of us aren't quite as good at it, but we try.

Recently, I have been reminded of the importance of being a good receiver as well. It is difficult because we don't hear of many people being called good receivers. It is natural in our society to attach a negative and see receiving as being selfish or greedy. It is for this reason that many, especially for those who give a lot, have difficulty receiving.

I believe it is important that we don't only take in life, and we do our share of giving. However, being a good receiver is also important. Why? Think of how we feel when we give to someone else. It's a great feeling watching someone enjoy the benefits of what we gave. That feeling also makes us want to give even more. Think of how we would feel if someone would not accept what we are offering. When we are not willing to receive we rob other people of that blessing. If it happens too much, it may deter someone from trying to give to us again in the future.

So the next time someone gives us a gift, offers to pay for dinner, watch our kids for free, or whatever, why not allow them to do so. As long as we regularly give what we have to offer, why not graciously accept the good that is offered to us. Not only are we blessed, but so is our giver. It's a win-win situation.

Have an excellent day : )

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