Sunday, November 7, 2010

Re-Think Possible

I must admit, I REALLY want an i-phone. For me, the novelty of the internet and having the world available on my computer has still not worn off. To have it at my fingertips is even more of an amazement. However, it was not the advertisement of the new 4G iphone that got my attention when I saw the AT&T commercial. It was the slogan "re-think possible". I don't know if this is a new slogan for them. I just know it got my attention in a hurry.

For the past year and a half of my life I have especially been trying to live this philosophy. I have learned the importance of keeping a high level of faith, and keeping positive thoughts in my head. It has had positive results, and I know the best is yet to come.

There are plenty of Bible verses that back this thought up. For example, it says all things are possible with God. According to your faith it will be done to you. This is just a small sample. The bottom line is to believe it.

Although AT&T doesn't have one of their i-phones sticking in my hand (yet), they do have a wonderful slogan sticking in my head. I challenge myself and anyone else to live by it and know that possible goes well beyond what we may think. It is up to us to reach for it and believe we can be the people we want to be, and achieve the dreams and goals we are looking to achieve. It is all possible if we believe it is, if we summon the heavenly assistance that is available to us, and take the necessary action to get there.

So what's possible for you? Think about it. I'll do the same, and in the very near future I'll call you on my i-phone to tell you about it : )

Have an excellent day!

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