Sunday, November 21, 2010

We Can Do All Things

Isn't it true that we admire people who seem fearless? Who seem like they can handle any situation, no matter how difficult it is? I know I do. We wish we had the same confident assurance as they do.

The more I think about it, the more I realize we can have that same confidence. The key is to focus on one of the more famous verses in the Bible..."I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"(Phil. 4:13). It doesn't say "some" things, it says ALL things. This tells me that I can accomplish anything if I believe that, and rely on God's strength to help me accomplish it.

Two main ideas have made this work for me. One is to constantly meditate on this verse. Many people know the verse, but how many actually believe it and live it? I have found it helpful to repeat this verse and dwell on it several times a day. It's amazing how peaceful and powerful it is. The second thing is to pray several times during the day as well. I find that when I do this, I am much more aware of God's presence and rely on His power to help me accomplish the goals I need to accomplish.

By believing and praying on this verse, we can indeed do ALL things and ANY thing we desire, and we can make a real difference in the world around us. Then people will be admiring the power of God they see in US because we will have that same confidence that we admire in others. Please share your victories!

Have an excellent day : )

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