Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Moving On

This entry is basically a continuation from yesterday's. It was a bit of a difficult day. However, do I dwell on it? No way!

If I know what's good for me, I'm moving on. I learn from the mistakes, but I am not dwelling on them. Instead, there are plenty of things to accomplish today, and plenty of blessings to be received. It's those positives I focus on today.

When we dwell on our past mistakes, it's like running in the ocean, against the waves. You may take a few steps forward, but you won't get far, and you'll be completely worn out. You may even end up being pushed backwards and lose ground. Instead, when you let go of those past mistakes and focus on God's positive energy, that energy is like floating in a downstream current. With very little effort, you are carried towards your goal, getting there much faster.

Let us move on today...with the flow!! Enjoy the blessings when you get there : )

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