Saturday, October 9, 2010

A 3 Step Formula to Success

How can we check off tasks on our to-do lists and accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves when there is so little time to accomplish anything? I believe I have found a great formula. Before I explain, I will say that it is nothing new:

1. Pray - This step alone is almost a guarantee of success. When we pray and submit to the will of God, things will always go right. However, there are two other necessary steps.

2. Think about it - Once we have prayed and submitted, it is very beneficial to keep the accomplishment of the goal fixed in our minds. See it happening and believe that the goal will be accomplished. Also, take some time to determine what needs to be done.

3. Act - Do whatever you need to do to accomplish the goal. If you've done steps one and two properly, you should have an idea of what it is you're supposed to do. If it's still not clear, then keep praying about it until it is.

This is a great formula for getting results in life. I cannot take credit for this, so to avoid plagiarism, I need to note my source. That source....NIV Bible, idea from God Himself. In Matthew 7:7 it says, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. In my opinion, this is the success formula right here. Asking represents praying, seeking is thinking/considering, and knocking is the action.

Does the formula really work? Verse 8 says, everyone who asks receives (notice how it says EVERYONE); he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened. First of all, if God says something, I count it as true. Second, this tells me that prayers are answered, we are rewarded for faith, and the door of opportunity is opened when we take action and "knock". Things may not always work out as we plan. However, I believe that our prayers are always answered, and if we follow this formula we will be happy with any results God gives us. We need to believe that whatever we receive is for our best.

If you haven't already, I recommend anyone trying this formula for success. Don't be too surprised by what is accomplished. Please share your results.

Have an excellent day : )

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