Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Feeling Peaceful

Every once in a while I like to bring life's irony into my blogs. So why not today? I have been talking about raising our energy levels to increase our efficiency and that of those around us. I've talked about being loving and joyful, and now...peaceful?

One wouldn't normally put peace and tranquility into the same sentence with high energy. However, it can work. Peace is one of the fruits of the spirit. For that reason alone, it can add positive energy to our lives. However, what peace does, is remove the clutter in our minds and lives that takes away our energy. How often do stressful and negative thoughts keep us weighted down and drain us of our mental and physical energy? It's easy to let it happen. However, if we focus on taking at least a few minutes a day to reflect on peaceful and tranquil thoughts we can remove much of that negative baggage.

You may think, "when do I have time during the day to slow down and think tranquil thoughts?" Our days are busy enough. However, I have seen the importance of taking this time, and I have experienced the benefits as well.

Ok then, how do we do it? Can we deliberately bring peace into our lives? And if so, how? I firmly believe we can do anything we put our minds to. In fact, that is the key. If we want it bad enough, we will get it. If we believe it can happen, it will. In any circumstance. So if we think thoughts of peace and believe it is with us, we will experience it.

As far as how to do it, that's up to the individual. What works best for me is prayer and reflection. Even if it's just for a few minutes, it works. Based on a suggestion I read, I also have a weird but effective way of clearing my head. I actually close my eyes, bow my head, and make believe I have a hole in my head (some may tell me I don't have to make believe). I then envision all of the negative thoughts, worries, etc. literally draining out of my head until I feel like it's all out. Yes, I know it's a little different (isn't a blog for sharing our deepest personal thoughts?), but it is amazing how I actually feel much more peaceful after doing that. I do it for about two minutes (usually locked in the bathroom so no one thinks I am crazy....oops, too late for that...) two or three times a day. With a more peaceful and clear mind I can accomplish much more and live more effectively. The same is true for anyone.

The bottom line is that we are on this earth to be the best we can be. This is much easier to accomplish when we are at peace with ourselves and those around us. Ultimately this peace and tranquility enables us to live a high energy life. That's when we are at our best.

I will end with one of my favorite bible verses...Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ (Philippians 4:6-7).

Have an excellent day : )

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