Sunday, May 1, 2011


Cool toy that boomerang is. You throw it away from you and it somehow comes back. You don't have to move and don't even need someone else to play with you.

Why am I talking about boomerangs? Because I have read the same information from several different sources this week. It talks about our feelings and thoughts. It is just like the toy. We "throw" our feelings out there, and whatever they are we get back. For example, if we are throwing positive, loving, optimistic thoughts out there by thinking and acting that way, that is what life returns to us. Unfortunately, it works the same if we throw negatives out there.

This has given me the extra incentive to take full control of my thoughts and feelings. I need to make sure that if I want a good return on the good things in life, I am throwing good things out to it. The downside is that it's not always easy to do and we are still not guaranteed that problems won't arise along the way. However, the good part for all of us is that we have full control! We don't have to be controlled by life's circumstances. We have much of the power that determines how well our lives go. Let us use some of that power to improve the quality of our lives and help others do the same.

Have an excellent day : )

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