Friday, July 9, 2010

What If....

The above title is always a common question in our society. We tend to reflect on what could have been, what will be, etc.

One may ask, is a "what if" philosophy good or bad? As I think about the answer, I believe it could be both. Personally, I feel like I've used it for bad recently. I have tended to focus on the "what if" negatives. What if this goes wrong? What if that doesn't happen? What if a person doesn't like what I have to say? What if I fail?

Why not turn it around to the positive? How about..."what if I take this risk and succeed? What if what I have to say really helps someone? What if this new venture really takes off? What if I positively impact those around me?

I have been focusing on the negative lately. What that has done is impeded any progress I could have made for me or someone else. It shows a lack of faith in the God that empowers us to do anything we put our minds to.

Fortunately, I have caught myself. I have asked for (and faithfully received) forgivness for my doubts. I am now ready to press forward. With my positive thoughts and efforts, combined with God's power, I now charge ahead thinking "what if" to the excellent possibilities that lay ahead.

I share this information because, as you can see, it is so easy for us to get caught up in the negative "what ifs". Even us so called optimists can fall into that trap. I share this to encourage myself and anyone reading to have faith in themselves, and especially the God that is always with us. Let us constantly think "what if", and then fill in the blanks with faithful, positive, and powerful thoughts and prayers about what can be. I believe God is waiting for us to think this way and ask for His blessings. Then we can watch the miracles that follow. I look forward to hearing about yours.

Have an excellent day : )

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