Monday, July 12, 2010

Defeating the Giants

It's funny how many times I will have some kind of theme on my mind for a few days. Then I go to church and hear the pastor preach about the same topic. It's almost like its meant for me when that happens.

This happened to me on Sunday. Lately I've been feeling like there are obstacles in my life preventing me from accomplishing some of the goals I have. I've mistakenly focused on those obstacles instead of potential solutions.

The pastor shared one of my favorite stories in the Bible. Moses sent 12 spies to "scout" the promised land. Ten of them saw giants, became afraid, and advised against going into this land. Two came back with a positive report about how beautiful the land was and that, with God's help, they could easily take it regardless of giants, obstacles, etc. Unfortunately, the majority vote won, and they did not enter the promised land until years later.

Too many of us today, including myself many times, focus on the obstacles. We see the giants ahead of us and automatically think we can't do it. As a result we miss many potential blessings in life. My goal is to be like the two that returned with positive news. They focused on the blessing. They saw the good. Most importantly, they knew that with God's help they could accomplish anything.

I want to allow myself as much as God's blessing as possible. I believe anyone would agree and want the same. So why not be like the two who focused on God's blessing and had the faith to believe it would happen. With this attitude, I believe we can experience much more blessing than we can ever imagine.

Have an excellent day : )

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