Monday, January 18, 2010

The Second Blog.....Three Years Later

Actually the second blog on this site. I was bitten by the blog bug (say that three times fast) almost 3 years ago. I did this post, and never did one again until the beginning of 2008. Since then I have been blogging consistently at other sites. I was happy to receive some positive feedback and loyal readers.

At this point, I feel the need to come back to where it all started(my whole 1 blog).
I wanted to bring it to a place where more people would be able to read it. One site I used is quite unknown, and the other is a pay to read site.

Why the blog? A few reasons. One is that I simply enjoy writing. I've always written journals and other things, even though I was pretty much the only one reading them. I started blogging partially to see if anyone else would read my writings. My questions were answered in the positive.

The main reason for maintaining this blog now is that I have grown so much as a human being and a Christian, especially during the past 3 years. I have learned of the power of living with a positive frame of mind, and how a positive attitude results in a positive life. My goal is simply to share what I have learned (and continue to learn)in hopes that others will benefit and grow as much as I have.

I look forward to any comments and suggestions you may have, and look forward to hearing about your positive experiences as well.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to what you have to write... :)

Joe said...

Thanks : )