Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Start of a New Season

One of my favorite things on this earth (besides my family and friends) is baseball. As of March 31 a new season is upon us. Besides the excitment of my favorite sport being available to watch regularly for the next 7 months, I enjoy this time for other reasons as well. The start of a new baseball season represents several things, such as:

1. Renewal - There is no better time for such a wonderful sport like baseball to start than in Spring. The dead of winter is now becoming the growth of Spring. The grey is becoming green again; flowers are beginning to bloom; the sound of singing birds is returning; warmer temperatures enable us to return to the beautiful outdoors. These are several examples. I'm sure you can think of others that appeal to you.

2. Hope - My favorite team is the New York Mets. If you read the pre-season reports, many are saying the Mets will not do well this year. Unfortunately, they are probably right. However, at this time, there is always hope. No matter how poorly they've done in the past or are are predicted to do this year, every team is just as good as the other right now. Every fan can dream World Series. Yes, for some reality hits fast, but for now everyone has a chance. It's like the New York lottery slogan..."hey, ya never know". In many cases, the teams that get to the World Series are not the ones people expected to be there in the beginning of the season.

3. Excellent competition - Yes, there are 162 games. However, each one can make a difference in the end. The thing I like about baseball players is they play most games as if it were the last. The results are not always there, but I rarely get the feeling a player or team is not taking the game seriously. Besides, baseball is the type of game I can enjoy o any beautiful afternoon or evening, especially with a bag of chips or peanuts in one hand, and a cold drink in the other.

These are just a few reasons I enjoy the game so much. I love it for what it is and for what it represents. Now the wait is over. So take me out to the ballgame, buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, and PLAY BALL!


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