Monday, March 28, 2011

Let Your Light Shine

You may remember the old church song..."this little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine." I always liked it. It's a catchy song and it has great meaning.

The question people sometimes ask is, "how do I let my light shine?" It's a great question. In the Bible it tells us to avoid hiding our light, but to let our light shine brightly instead. However, the instructions for doing so are not easily found. In thinking about this lately, I believe I can condense it to 3 simple steps:

1. Know that God is always with us - He is the light of the world, and is a part of our being. The more we consciously realize this, the more positive and powerful are lives can be.

2. Be the best person you can be - Notice how I didn't say be perfect. That's impossible for us. However, the more we focus on being the best person we can be, and use our unique God-given talents without fear of what others may think, the more positive impacts we can make.

3, Let God do the rest - His power is far greater than anything we can ever muster up. When we allow His work to be done in our lives, His light comes shining through ever so brightly.

As you can see, there is not a whole lot we have to do. One may ask, what about the action part? Great question. It is part of the equation. However, I find that the more I try to do, the less I actually accomplish. When I follow the guidelines above, and I pray for direction, I am often directed to the next steps. If I obey that direction and take those next steps, it is much easier to take action. This is because instead of doing what I think I should be doing, I am taking God-inspired action and I have His complete power backing me up. It is then that I can accomplish anything.

If you are looking to let your light shine brightly and positively affect those around you, I recommend these steps. I can only recommend them because this formula has worked very well for me. I know because I can see the positive reactions of the people around me. I also know that it's not me, but that Godly light shining through me that they are seeing. All because I have increased my awareness of it and let it shine in every area of my life. If it is true for me, it is true for anyone.

Have an excellent day : )

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