Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where's The Sun

Do you ever feel like the sun will never come out again? I live in Buffalo NY. We haven't seen much of the sun lately. In fact, most days it is cold, and we have received over 3 feet of snow in the past two weeks.

I don't say this to complain (although this weather does wear on me). I know that there is a sun hidden behind those clouds. I know eventually it will shine again, even though at this time I feel like it's not there at all.

Sometimes we face clouds and obstacles in our own lives. We may wonder where the sun is, or we believe God may have forgotten about us as we struggle though the days. However, I am reminded that, although He may not be "shining through" at the moment, he is there behind the "clouds" of our difficult situations. Eventually we will again feel His light and warmth.

Just as we know that summer is coming again in the not too distant future, we can also know that, if things are difficult now, brighter days are not that far away. We definitely have great things to look forward to : )

Have an excellent day!

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